Group Placing/OH Group Winning GChB. Southern Malmason Jalapeno Business JHA FDC CA BCAT RATO DJ DN ATT FITS CGC
Owned By: Lisa Lipton Bred By: Tina McDonnell, Beth Kirven, & Terry Ellis Color: Black & White Parents: Matthew x Muse Accomplishments:
2018 Royal Canin Puppy Stakes Best of Breed & Sporting Group 1
Multiple Best of Breed winner
Group Placing from the classes
Multiple Owner-Handled group placer
OH Group Winner
#7 NOHS 2020
Junior Hunter Advanced title
Dam to 3 AKC pointed get
Dam to 2 AKC Champions
Dam to a Junior Hunter & NAVHDA titled get
Co-Winner Best Brace 2023 American Pointer Club National Specialty
Bronze Grand Champion
Health Testing: OFA good or excellent for eyes, hips, elbows, heart, and thyroid Spicy is just that, spicy, her fiery personality lights up a room and she makes her presence known. This beautiful girl is super feminine and has excelled in both the show ring and the field. Spicy is out of the extremely successful Matthew x Muse litter. She and her dedicated co-owner, Lisa Lipton, have done incredibly well in the specials ring, garnering several Best of Breeds and Owner-Handled group placements. We look forward to seeing all this girl can achieve as she matures. Spicy has proven to also be incredible in performance events garnering hunting, coursing, temperament test, and barn-hunt titles! She is also a fabulous swimmer and will be looking to complete her first NADD Dock Diving title soon!